Episode 38

Google +: sharing circles, the onslaught of new people, mobile hangouts are here!

Facebook: timelines, cookies, and updates, oh my!

What’s up with Gowalla’s changes?

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Episode 37

What do we think of Diaspora?
Google+. Yeah, we still talk about that.
What the heck is AtShaker?
Gowalla and Posterous changing.
Psychology of choice.

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Episode 36

Social media and its effect on the London and BART situations.
Google Plus still doesn’t understand social and its own naming policy.
Eric gives a review of Subjot.

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Episode 35 | Talk to us! We love Feedback!

Google+ and names
Who are these people circling us?
So what about Twitter?
SXSW Interactive pricing!

IE user IQ*

(*oops update)

Please leave a comment or find each of us on Twitter (or @pushmyfollow) or Google+! Tell us what you think of the show, what you’d like to hear from us, what you had for lunch…

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Episode 34 | There’s a Shake Shack in Connecticut Now

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Episode 33 (1/3) – Google +

What is Google+? Why can’t you get in? Why would you want to? We try to answer these questions, and more.

Other links:

Tell your friends– Push My Follow is back, baby!!

(And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!)

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Episode 32 | You Spin Me Right Round

Hi, remember us? We remember you!

This special single topic episode revolves around our own Eric Rice, aka @spin, who received a cease & desist letter from Spin Magazine.

A copy of the letter at ChillingEffects.org
Stories on Gothamist (5/25 and 5/26) and NBC.
The Spin Magazine twitter account

Talk to us on Twitter:

Eric (@spin)
Sarah (@orchid8)
Christine (@purplecar)
Joe (@joecascio)
Annie (@banannie)
Mike (@starmike)

and of course the Push My Follow Twitter account!

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Episode 29 | Droid does… what?

Stevie and Eric in a coffee shop
Thoughts on the iPad
Ricky Martin sets the record…straight?
Qik, Ustream and live video
Google Fiber
Verizon getting the iPhone?

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Episode 28 | South by Southwest Interactive

Sarah, Annie, Mike, and special guest Len Edgerly, host of The Kindle
and The Reading Edge, recorded at the Pepsi Podcast Playground at the South by Southwest Interactive conference in Austin, Texas on March 14, 2010.

We talked about the panels we went to, the conference in general, the use of geolocation technology like Gowalla and Foursquare, the geek celeb culture, online privacy, and plenty of other topics.

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