A landmark! Five!
Topics and Links:
PodCamp NYC 2.0
Jeffrey Deskovic
Roxanne Darling
Phil Campbell
Christian Payne
EVDO, Christine is a WiFi hotspot (Cradlepoint PHS300)
PodCamp Sessions we discuss:
Video Conversations with Annie (it’s SETH Eagelfeld! oops.)
Geo Gellar
Relationships 2.0 with WankerGirl & MissSomething of Spin the Bottle Podcast
Social Media Parenting with Christine (John Herman, Dave LaMorte)
Open ID for Newbies with Joe
So what is PodCamp?
Conference talk- local is niche
Find a local PodCamp- PodCamp wiki
Ira Glass (of This American Life) on Twitter!
Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
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The Young Culture :
I totally agree with Christine, actually my website is named after this new kind of culture that comes with the social media, the blogs, web 2.0 ( do we still have to sue this word anyway ..)
Is the very special kind of feeling coming from Camp, Social Conférence, Social Camp The effect of Vidéo Blogging ?
thanks again for this show 😉
ZOMG should be pronounced as Zoh-My-Gawd. Thank you.
Ira Glass on Twitter… I found him through my PRI (Public Radio International) guy, Clark Boyd. Clark is http://www.twitter.com/worldstechpod . He’s been working very hard over the last year or so to get PRI, and of course the other biggie NPR, involved in Social Media.