Episode 5

A landmark! Five!

Topics and Links:

PodCamp NYC 2.0
Jeffrey Deskovic
Roxanne Darling
Phil Campbell
Christian Payne
EVDO, Christine is a WiFi hotspot (Cradlepoint PHS300)

PodCamp Sessions we discuss:
Video Conversations with Annie (it’s SETH Eagelfeld! oops.)
Geo Gellar
Relationships 2.0 with WankerGirl & MissSomething of Spin the Bottle Podcast
Social Media Parenting with Christine (John Herman, Dave LaMorte)
Open ID for Newbies with Joe

So what is PodCamp?
Conference talk- local is niche
Find a local PodCamp- PodCamp wiki

Ira Glass (of This American Life) on Twitter!

Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook

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Push My Follow Special: Social Knights of the Roundtable

As PodCampNYC 2.0 got underway on April 25, three of us, Mike Gaines, Christine Cavalier, and Annie Boccio, joined with Roxanne Darling of Beach Walks with Rox, Phil Campbell of me.dm, and Christian Payne of Our Man Inside, along with special guest Jeff Deskovic of Jeffrey Descovik Speaks, to discuss social media and the mainstream, and other topics. Phil recorded the session on his Nokia N95 and live-streamed the video out via Qik.

Thanks to Phil Campbell for allowing us to release the conversation here at Push My Follow.

Bonus footage of Phil Campbell on Seesmic setting things up: