Episode 14 – with guest Kathryn Jones

Twitter… and politics
Twitter… and business
Twitter… and fictional characters

SEO… good or evil?

Thoughts on PodCamp Philly

Find Kathryn Jones on twitter @kathrynjones
and also at Synchronis.tv

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Episode 11 LIVE at PodCamp Boston 3

Mike, Sarah and Joe welcome a roomful of Push My Follow friends and fans for a live recording of the show at PodCamp Boston 3, including

Also in the room are

The discussion is about (what else?) PodCamp! What are we getting out of it? How did we get involved in all this? What is PodCamp future, should it evolve? And HugCamp! Also, people not “getting” Twitter.

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Thank you Phil for streaming the show live over Bambuser!

(Thanks to Cathy Brooks & Tom Sparks for joining Annie in the Bambuser chat room!)

Episode 9

“The podcast for people whose time is not valuable.” 🙂

Twitter = FAIL? Why? How? What’s going on?
“The Dipping Point”

Seesmic, Phreadz, and tools for users: moderation, blocking, privacy controls?
Owning our content

“We’re the internet crusaders.”

Niche Social Network Sites

Mike & Joe will be presenting at PodCamp Boston, July 19 & 20, Mike on “Building a Successful Podcast” and Joe on “Distributed Twitter.” Sarah will be attending as well. If you’re there be sure to say hi!

NEW Push My Follow on Ning
NEW Push My Follow Room on FriendFeed
Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
Push My Follow on Plurk!

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Episode 5

A landmark! Five!

Topics and Links:

PodCamp NYC 2.0
Jeffrey Deskovic
Roxanne Darling
Phil Campbell
Christian Payne
EVDO, Christine is a WiFi hotspot (Cradlepoint PHS300)

PodCamp Sessions we discuss:
Video Conversations with Annie (it’s SETH Eagelfeld! oops.)
Geo Gellar
Relationships 2.0 with WankerGirl & MissSomething of Spin the Bottle Podcast
Social Media Parenting with Christine (John Herman, Dave LaMorte)
Open ID for Newbies with Joe

So what is PodCamp?
Conference talk- local is niche
Find a local PodCamp- PodCamp wiki

Ira Glass (of This American Life) on Twitter!

Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook

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