Episode 20 | The Relationship Show

This week, to celebrate the month of love, we welcome Nicole (@misssomething) and Mat (@langley) who met and romanced online.

How do you romance online?
How do you deal with the reactions from family and friends, both online and off?
Is video conversation a game changer?

What’s your online romance story? Tell us in the comments!

Pushing your ex’s unfollow. How do you deal with people you don’t really want to connect with online?

More connecting with old friends on Facebook.
Our scandalous internet lives.

Christine’s post To Friend or Not to Friend the Ex.
Annie’s post Facebook Connects the Dots.

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Episode 9

“The podcast for people whose time is not valuable.” 🙂

Twitter = FAIL? Why? How? What’s going on?
“The Dipping Point”

Seesmic, Phreadz, and tools for users: moderation, blocking, privacy controls?
Owning our content

“We’re the internet crusaders.”

Niche Social Network Sites

Mike & Joe will be presenting at PodCamp Boston, July 19 & 20, Mike on “Building a Successful Podcast” and Joe on “Distributed Twitter.” Sarah will be attending as well. If you’re there be sure to say hi!

NEW Push My Follow on Ning
NEW Push My Follow Room on FriendFeed
Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
Push My Follow on Plurk!

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Episode 8

This week we respond to a listener email! She asks which social media tools we use, why, and how do we decide which ones to use?

Mike goes to an Iron Maiden show in the rain.
Using My Space & Facebook to connect to people “outside.”
Social networks in gaming.
Plurk “karma.”
Christine likes to text.

My Space
Phreadz (Phreadz is still in closed beta.)

Let us know which social networks you use and why in the comments! We’d love to discuss other topics suggested by our listeners, so let us know what you want to hear.

Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
Push My Follow on Plurk!

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