Episode 17

The election!
How much, if at all, did Obama’s use of social media affect fund raising and the election results?
How social media may or may not change the way we connect with our elected representatives.
Election results effect on Twitter “worse than a Steve Jobs keynote,” but they held up pretty well.

Business use of social networks: transparency, how to handle “bad news” (layoffs, etc.)

Cell phone tangent!

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Episode 16

Sweet sixteen!

We talk about some new twitter tools including:

Eric and Mike happily discuss social networking and gaming.

Celebs on Twitter: Britney Spears and John Cleese. Can celebrities bring their fans into Twitter?
More about Mad Men, and is collab fiction using social networks feasible?

Christine has a nice big RANT about using scare tactics to explain social networking to parents.
We discuss how parents can safely let their kids use the internet without using scare tactics.

Disclaimer: Annie is NOT a cyber-terrorist (or a cyber-terrior)!

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Episode 15

We jump, run, and push right in…

The Nothing Show
The Moth
One Hundred Pushups

Not Mike's DeLorean

Not Mike's DeLorean

Social networks and forums…
Eric can’t get boat and car help from social networks.

PC Magazine Ten Most Absurd Social Networks

How we each got started with Twitter.

Eric calls out “Web 2.0 people.”

Is there a secret behind viral videos?

What’s the revenue model for all these free sites? Would you pay for Twitter? Which sites do you pay for, and which sites should remain free?
We’d love your feedback in the comments!

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Episode 14 – with guest Kathryn Jones

Twitter… and politics
Twitter… and business
Twitter… and fictional characters

SEO… good or evil?

Thoughts on PodCamp Philly

Find Kathryn Jones on twitter @kathrynjones
and also at Synchronis.tv

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Episode 13 – with guest Dan Patterson

In this episode we welcome special guest Dan Patterson, of Creepy Sleepy, Talk Radio News Service, and soon ABC News.

A friend of Dan’s, who is also an acquaintance of some of us here at Push My Follow, Brian Conley, was detained with five others in Beijing on August 18 during a protest backed by FreeTibet2008.org. Brian is best known for producing Alive in Baghdad, which puts video cameras in the hands of Iraqi citizens so they can share their stories. In a statement Brian’s wife Eowyn Rieke says,

If you haven’t heard yet, Brian was among 6 people recently arrested in Beijing, China while traveling to cover pro-Tibet demonstrations. We believe his arrest and detention (now over 3 days) are a direct result of his work as a journalist and his commitment to reporting on people’s struggles. Of course, a repressive and authoritarian Chinese government doesn’t help much either.

Dan is regularly posting updates on his site, please visit there and help spread the word, particularly if you have access to major media outlets. At this writing there has been no communication from Brian and the other detainees since Monday.

In this episode we also discuss “citizen journalism,” what it is, what role it plays, is it a good thing or not? Dan also talks about his upcoming stints covering the Democratic and Republican Conventions, and strongly recommends that you check out The Brookhaven Chronicles.

*Update August 24* We’ve received word that Brian Conley and 7 other detainees have been released and are headed back home.

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Episode 11 LIVE at PodCamp Boston 3

Mike, Sarah and Joe welcome a roomful of Push My Follow friends and fans for a live recording of the show at PodCamp Boston 3, including

Also in the room are

The discussion is about (what else?) PodCamp! What are we getting out of it? How did we get involved in all this? What is PodCamp future, should it evolve? And HugCamp! Also, people not “getting” Twitter.

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Thank you Phil for streaming the show live over Bambuser!

(Thanks to Cathy Brooks & Tom Sparks for joining Annie in the Bambuser chat room!)

Episode 10 – with guest Becky McCray

This week we welcome guest Becky McCray, small town liquor store owner and the force behind Small Biz Survival. Becky talks about how social networking helps her reach out to and help other small business owners from her (very!) small town in Oklahoma. Becky offers great hints for small businesses that want to get started in social media.
Read Becky’s four-part series on Social Media from a Small Town
Follow Becky on Twitter @beckymccray.

What’s Eric been up to?
Twitter in recovery mode?
iPhone 3G and iPhone 2.0 buzz
Finding like-minded spirits
How much time/energy to invest in social media?
Where will all this be in a year?
Push My Follow on Ning

Remember Mike & Joe will be presenting at PodCamp Boston this weekend July 19 (when they will also have a drink and wish Annie a happy birthday in her absence) & 20, Mike on “Building a Successful Podcast” and Joe on “Distributed Microblogging.” Sarah will be attending as well. If you’re there be sure to say hi!

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Episode 9

“The podcast for people whose time is not valuable.” 🙂

Twitter = FAIL? Why? How? What’s going on?
“The Dipping Point”

Seesmic, Phreadz, and tools for users: moderation, blocking, privacy controls?
Owning our content

“We’re the internet crusaders.”

Niche Social Network Sites

Mike & Joe will be presenting at PodCamp Boston, July 19 & 20, Mike on “Building a Successful Podcast” and Joe on “Distributed Twitter.” Sarah will be attending as well. If you’re there be sure to say hi!

NEW Push My Follow on Ning
NEW Push My Follow Room on FriendFeed
Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
Push My Follow on Plurk!

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Episode 8

This week we respond to a listener email! She asks which social media tools we use, why, and how do we decide which ones to use?

Mike goes to an Iron Maiden show in the rain.
Using My Space & Facebook to connect to people “outside.”
Social networks in gaming.
Plurk “karma.”
Christine likes to text.

My Space
Phreadz (Phreadz is still in closed beta.)

Let us know which social networks you use and why in the comments! We’d love to discuss other topics suggested by our listeners, so let us know what you want to hear.

Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
Push My Follow on Plurk!

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Episode 7 – with guest Jim Long

Our first guest! Jim Long, known as @newmediajim on Twitter, joins us. We discuss old media hints for new media creators, Twittering about work and family, and paying for Twitter.

Jim Long’s blog Verge New Media
Boston meetup flickr set
Jim’s qik.com interview with Sir Bob Geldof

Push My Follow on Twitter
Push My Follow on FaceBook
NEW Push My Follow on Plurk!

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